- Chapter 0- Explanation and introduction
I love Minecraft Story Mode, and I've always wanted to do a story-swap kind of thing, replacing the characters with other characters. I've done it with my OCs, but I thought it'd be fun to do it with famous animal jammers.
This does contain spoilers for MCSM, as it follows the same main plot. However, the characters are a little different in personality. Even though it's AJ:SM, it's still set in Minecraftia. If you haven't played or seen lets plays of MCSM, you SHOULD still be able to read this, since it's basically a twisted novelisation.This story will be updated randomly. There will be at the least 2 chapters a week. Also I am trying to copy the lines from the story, but episodes 1 and 2 are a tad of a blur to me, so the lines aren't totally accurate. I've also edited several lines to fit the personalities of the jammers, rather then just the game characters. I tried to use characters who would fit best. Also, I'm including essentially all famous jammers at some point, so don't be upset if your favourite didn't make the cut.
Without further ado, AJKraft presents... Animal Jam Story Mode! - Chapter 1
"So, Wisteria, if you had to choose, which would you rather fight? A hundred chicken sized zombies, or ten zombie sized chickens?"
"Libertyy, I think we both know that chickens are better then zombies. Just imagine their giant feet!"
Lib changed the subject.
"So, I've got a daylight sensor on the roof. When night comes, these lamps should switch on. I just didn't want to leave Reuben here with nothing when we're at JamCon."
"Uh, no. He's coming with us!" Wisteria patted her pig on the head, and Lib sighed.
"I just don't want there to be any more reasons for people to call us losers..."
"Hey, people always want to talk to the girl with the pig!" Wisteria seemed aggravated.
"Uh huh? People always talk ABOUT the girl with the pig. Like oh, there's the weird girl with the weird pig!"
"Hey, just. Ugh." Wisteria sighed. Libertyy was right. It wasn't like Reuben was giving them any advantage. But then again, he wasn't giving them a disadvantage, so why was Lib acting so weirdly? Suddenly, there was a hissing sound from below the treehouse.
"Spicy creepers." Sighed Wisteria, as she looked past the trapdoor. Just as she was looking, the trapdoor flew open, hitting her hard in the face.
"Ow!" She jumped back, and then saw that the creeper was actually blue.
"Skorm! What the heck!" Libertyy said angrily, as Skorm laughed, taking off the creeper mask.
"You guys were all terrified!"
"Well, you CAN admit it was pretty intense.."
"Wis, everything is pretty intense for you. GOING TO BUY MILK IS PRETTY INTENSE FOR YOU!" Laughed Libertyy.
"Oh, Skorm, did you get the fireworks?"
"Of course I did!" Skorm said, pulling out the fireworks to show the group, "I even got something for the little guy," he revealed a costume, that looked like an EnderDragon, and put Reuben in it, "we're going to a convention, somebody's gotta wear a costume!"
"He looks.." Wisteria thought up the right word, "spicy."
Libertyy decided to change the subject, "So, we going now?"
"Yep! Just need to grab a few things from my chest." Wisteria pointed to the one labeled "spice chest" which ironically contained no spice because this is Minecraft and Minecraft doesn't have spice.
"Sheers and a fling and steel.." Wisteria mumbled as she pulled them out from the chest, "definitely need these..." Wis picked up Reuben, and exited the treehouse. - "So, I've been thinking..." Libertyy commented, "I think that after we build the fireworks dispenser, we build something else on top of it!"
"Well, if you want to get a reaction out of the judges, you build something scary. I say we build a creeper." Skorm put in
"I'm more scared if Endermen then creepers.." Lib shivered.
"I agree. Let's go with the Enderman." Wisteria decided. Reuben oinked in approval.
"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Apparently whoever wins the competition gets to meet LegitNick the warrior his freaking self!" Skorm explained.
"Cool. But it's not the winning-"
"It's the taking part, I know."
After grabbing some extra resources from the surrounding forest, the group arrived at the JamCon building competition.
"Ughh," Skorm sighed, sounding somewhat angry, "There's Julian and the Ocelots..."
One of the ocelot members turned around, and laughed.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the order of the losers!"
"Good one Zarfy!"
Julian sighed, almost growling
"... Let's go guys." He led his team away from the sign-up booth, as Wisteria's group arrived.
"So what's your name?"
"Uh, Skorm..."
"No, your team name!
Wisteria thought for a while
"We're the Spicy Pigs!"
"Ok, proceed, 'Spicy Pigs'!"
Wisteria, Skorm and Libertyy entered the fenced area, the latter two somewhat annoyed about Wisteria's choice of team name. As they set up their booth, Wisteria took a glance at what the Ocelots were building.
"Uh, guys... I think we're in trouble.." Wisteria sighed as she looked at what the Ocelots had.
"They have a freaking beacon? FREAKING BEACON??" Skorm stared at the beacon, without realising that the Ocelots had seen the Spicy Pigs looking at their build. Zarfy laughed.
"Look! It's the order of the losers. Again."
"Good one Zarf." The girl in their group laughed.
Libertyy growled, "we were just looking!"
The third guy smirked.
"There will be plenty of time to look at it after it wins and gets shown at JamCon!"
Skorm growled, "Aparri, you're being unpleasant."
"Maybe not all of you." Aparri looked down at Reuben, " JamCon doesn't allow outside food and drink."
"Hey! Shut up, you jerk!" Wisteria was furious.
"What's that?"
"Wisteria said to shut up. Do you need to hear it again?" Lib stared hard at the group.
"I dunno. Maybe I do." At this point Julian came over from where he was working on the build.
"Hey, stop wasting your time, Aparri! We've got work to do!" He looked furious at Aparri, Zarfy and the girl. LilacPetal, Wisteria thought, bur she wasn't sure.
"You're lucky I'm busy!" Growled Aparri as he went to work on the build. Wisteria's group grinned as he walked away. - "Hey Wisteria. Guys!" Wolffeycat came over to the group.
"Hiya Wolffey!" Wisteria grinned at her friend.
"So, how's the build going?"
Skorm sighed, "only time will tell, but we're optimistic."
Julian walked over to the group, followed by the rest of his team.
"Hey, Wolffey. I forgot to thank you for the nether star."
"No problemo!"
Skorm looked furious, "You helped these jerks?"
"Hey, for the right price, I'll help anyone! Need anything, you know where to find me!"
"Uh, none of us know where to find you..." Lib stated.
"Exactly." Wolffey walked away. Julian turned to face Wisteria's group.
"No harsh feeling guys. If you're cool with Wolffeycat, you're cool with us." Then he lowered his voice, "most of us, anyway. So why don't we forget about all this and just focus on how cool our builds are?"
Wisteria looked at him angrily, "may the best team win, I guess."
"Be careful what you wish for." Julian led his team away, and Wisteria groaned.
The speakers sounded, and the woman from the front desk, who looked like they were strait from Harry Potter, stepped up on a platform.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the JamCon building competition! The winners of this year's competition will have their build featured at JamCon. The winners will also meet, in person, LegitNick the warrior!"
--line break for unnecessary stuff I forgot DX--
"Building... Starts.. Now!"
Like lightning, the Spicy Pigs constructed their fireworks dispenser. Aparri looked over from the Ocelots' build, and narrowed his eyes, and sarcastically exclaimed, "oh no, a fireworks dispenser! I'm sooo scared!"
"Hey!" Wisteria growled, "you worry about your own build, we'll worry about ours." At that, Aparri turned away. He was really getting on Wisteria's nerves. As Libertyy placed the last piece of redstone, they jumped back down to begin the Enderman. The Enderman towered over the Ocelots' contraption (I forgot to mention that it was a rainbow beacon, oops DX). After everything was polished, Skorm pulled the lever, setting off the fireworks, and building up a crowd. Soon enough, there were at least 20 people complimenting the build. At this, the Ocelots, or at least Aparri, Zarfy and Lilac, were infuriated, and clearly jealous of the Spicy Pigs' build. - |Quick AN:I am fully aware that Aparri and Zarfy are not at all friends, but let's just ignore that|
"Are you kidding me? It's just a bunch of dyed wool!" Aparri punched a block of cobblestone, which was part of an obsidian generator. Of course, the lava poured out, heading strait for the Spicy Pigs' build. But first, it hit Reuben, who was standing nearby.
"Reuben!" Wisteria jumped off the top of the build, and began to pursue him.
"You two!" She looked up at Lib and Skorm, "Save the build!"
And so Wisteria ran the direction Reuben had gone--The forest.
She didn't realise that night was near..
"Reuben, where are you? Just... Oink if you can hear me!" Wisteria called, worried. After following some tracks, she came across a group of pigs, but no Reuben. A chicken jumpscared her, and she found a singed costume, but luckily no singed Reuben. Eventually, she found Reuben cowering near some grass in a clearing, but their reunion was crashed as groans began to come from the trees.
"Reuben! Run back to JamCon!" Wis tried to fight the monsters, but her wooden sword didn't last long. Just after it broke, she felt a pain in the back of her neck. Wisteria tried to shake the spider off, but it wouldn't budge. Just as she thought she was going to die, the weight was relieved.
"Come on! We have to get out of here! And I have something I need to show you!" Wolffeycat grabbed Wisteria's arm, and led her to a cave, Wisteria entering reluctantly, but hiding it.
"Not that this isn't a really cool dimly lit tunnel of anything-but how far away is this 'thing' you want to show me?"
"Be careful, Wis. Don't want to get yourself a reputation as a wimp."
"Hey! It's not like this is my first time in a cave or anything!"
"Well, yeah. But have you ever seen-" Wolffey reached into her pockets, "-A wither skull? Fresh from the nether!"
Wisteria gawped at the skull with an upside down sloth face.
(Upside down Sloth face:Noun:Essentially the opposite of the smile performed by Flash the sloth in Zootropolis. An exaggerated shocked face.)
"There's a guy I'm meeting at JamCon. He's gonna trade me a diamond for it."
"That sounds kinda dodgy.."
"Hey, for all the trouble I went through for this thing, I earned that diamond! Ya know, you could come with me?"
"Well what's in it for me?"
"Not getting punched in the back for saying that just now."
Wisteria followed Wolffey further into the cave, until they reached an area with a crafting table and a chest. Wolffey pointed towards it. - "Since that wooden sword of yours got busted-"
"You're giving me a new one?"
"Even better , you can make your own!"
|AN:Can we just appreciate how in MCSM Jesse is trying to win a building competition yet hasn't even crafted a flipping stone sword?|
Wisteria reached into the chest, and pulled out some cobblestone and a stick. After placing them on the crafting table, she had successfully made a stone sword. Which I can normally whip up in my first 2 minutes of Minecraft but apparently it takes these people years.
Wisteria followed Wolffey out of the cave and on to the bridge, where they could see JamCon. Wisteria was thrilled to see that, for once, their build had won.
"Yes! For once we beat those jerks!" Wisteria cheered.
"You know, he can be a little arrogant, but Julian's pretty nice when you get to know him. Comes in handy. It's always good to have a guy like that around. If you see him around JamCon, try talking to him."
"Fine, I'll try. But no promises." Wisteria looked down at JamCon, "it looks pretty... Lit."
"Uh, Wis, we've got a mild mob problem. Worry about finding alternatives to the word spicy later!"
"Well, what do we do?"
"Whatever we do, we do it together!"
"Uhhhh.... JUMP!" And Wis hurled herself over the edge, into the lake. When she landed, the water did not give, and she felt pain surge through her.
"It burns! It burns!"
"Don't ya know, Wis, you jump INTO the water! You don't land on top of it!" Wolffey climbed out, followed by Wisteria, and they began to head towards JamCon. - Chapter 2
When they arrived, Wolffey lowered her tone, and spoke.
"When we do the trade, just let me do the talking, ok? I just really don't want to mess this up."
"Sure, I'll keep quiet."
"Wisteria! Wolffey!" they were greeted by Skorm and Libertyy, who had been enjoying the attention from the people who approved of the build.
"Wisteria, don't we have something we need to do? You know, the thing?"
"Oh yeah, coming!"
"Uh, see you guys soon I guess. I heard there's a cake booth and I for one love cake!" Skorm walked off in the opposite direction, followed by Libertyy, as Wolffey and Wis headed off to the 'creepy allyway' that had been mentioned. When they arrived, the man Wolff had mentioned wasn't there, it was completely empty, and dark too.
"So, where is this guy?" Wisteria questioned. Wolffey shrugged.
"No idea. I was certain this was the one he meant;lemme check around. Stay here, and if he comes just please don't mess this up!"
"Ok, ok." Wisteria huffed as Wolffey exited the ally. Wisteria turned around, and noticed a chest. Weird to leave a chest in a random allyway.. But as Wisteria began to open the chest, a voice came from behind, making her jump.
"And what do you think you're doing!?"
"Who are you?"
"My name is Wootmoo. But it is not important to you, I had a deal with Wolffeycat, not some stranger."
"I'm her partner."
"Well, I will be off, thank you very much!" Wootmoo huffed sarcastically and began to walk away, when Wolffey returned.
"Thank goodness!" Wootmoo growled, "your 'partner' almost soured the deal."
"You didn't say anything about a we."
"Never mind that, let's just do the trade. Here's your skull, now where's the diamond?" Wolffey passed over the skull, and Wootmoo pointed to the chest.
"Take it, you've earned it." With that, Wootmoo disappeared as Wisteria and Wolffey opened the chest to find...
"Lapis!" Wisteria exclaimed
"Of all the dirty tricks to pull..." Wolffey growled in anger.
"Let's go get him!"
"Yeah! If we can find him, that is..." Wolffey ran off to look for Wootmoo, and Wisteria in a different direction. The latter managed to catch a glimpse of Wootmoo as he headed through the crowd, bur lost sight of him. Wisteria then noticed Skorm, who appeared to be watching chickens get rapidly abused. - "Hey Skorm! This guy, Wootmoo, just scammed Wolffey out of a diamond! You'll help us find him, right?"
"Sure, sure. After I watch one more chicken get owned."
Wisteria huffed, and continued looking for the man, when she noticed Julian without Aparri, Zarfy and LilacPetal. Remembering what Wolffey asked, she went to talk to him.
"Nothing, sup with you?"
"Nothing! Sup with YOU?"
"So I guess you finally won this year. Good job on that."
"Well, yeah. But your friend really hurt my pig!"
"True, and sorry. But I had nothing to do with that."
"Oh, you haven't happened to see a creepy lookin guy with a beard roaming around here?"
"No, didn't think so, why?"
"He kinda scammed Wolffeycat our of a diamond earlier."
"Whoa, everyone knows you don't mess with Wolffey. Not if you know what's good for you. I'll keep an eye out, ok?"
"Ok, thanks
"So, uh, we're cool?"
"Yup, we're cool."
"Cool beans."
"Yeah, cool beans!" - Wisteria continued looking, when Aparri showed up in her face.
"Well, if it isn't team trashbag! How's your stupid pig? I heard intense heat causes brain damage!"
"Move you idiot!"
"What dis you just call me?"
Wisteria growled, aggravated, and pushed Aparri out of the way.
It was then that Wis saw Wootmoo standing still in front of a booth. She tapped him on the shoulder, but it actually turned out to be a woman.
"What do you think you're doing?" She asked, angrily.
"Oh, uh, sorry!"
"Get away from me!"
"Sheesh, I said I was sorry!" Wis sighed, and continued looking for the actual Wootmoo. It was then that she heard what sounded like Reuben, coming from the butchers' stall.
"Get your porkchops here!" The scraggly old man called, "fresh off the bone!" Wisteria looked horrified as he lifted Reuben onto the counter, wielding an axe.
"Hey! That's my pig!"
"Found him wondering around in the woods, so that makes him my pig. Not the fattest thong I've ever seen, but he should cook up real nice anyway."
Wisteria stepped forward, furious.
"Give him back!"
"Yelling won't encourage me, but I might be amicable to some kind of trade."
"All I've got is this stone sword..."
"Whoa. With that I could cut my butchering time in half!"
Wisteria handed the butcher her sword, and in return he passed her Reuben.
"Nice doing business with you." Wisteria left the man to chop up all the other innocent pigs and began her search for Wootmoo again. Wait... Was that him? Wisteria had noticed a figure run through the gates to the JamCon main hall, who looked quite a bit like the blue figure she'd seen earlier.
[AN:I try to never specify whether the characters are humans or animals. I always kinda see them as half and half, like anthro or something, but you can decide yourselves how you imagine them.]
Wis then got the attention of Libertyy, Skorm and Wolffey, and the four, plus Reuben, lined up.
"Hey," Wisteria asked the usher, "what's it gonna take us to get in there tonight?"
"Uhh, tickets?" The usher laughed.
[Another AN:I honestly don't get how even if you win the building competition, where the prize is meant to be meeting Gabriel, you aren't let into meet him. I guess it's all a lie :'(]
The usher was then taken aback, as a small chicken hopped in front of him.
"Shoo..." He tried to swat the bird away, but it pecked right next to his feet. The group assembled, and began to create a plan.
"We need a distraction." Wis glared at the rude usher.
"Alot of chickens running around might be a distraction..." Lib looked at the chicken machine Skorm had been enjoying earlier.
Animal Jam Story Mode
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WHOOT I FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER 2! It TOTALLY didn't take like two flipping weeks XD
ReplyDelete"we have to break that block of glass, but how?"
"I'll look around." Wisteria then noticed a man bouncing on a slimeblock-perfect! She walked over to the counter, but to her horror it was the same woman she had mistaken for Wootmoo earlier.
"Oh, uh, do you sell slimeblocks?"
"We're not giving out slimeblocks, just slimeballs. And it's limited at two per person." The rest of the spicy pigs then approached the booth.
"A round of slimeballs for each of us please!" Skorm told the woman, as each grabbed two slimeballs.
"Uh," Lib looked at the slimeballs, "this is only eight, we need nine to make a block!"
But what a stroke of luck;Wisteria noticed Julian by another booth, tossing a slimeball in the air.
"Hey, Julian, could we have that slime? I swear we have a really good explanation.."
"Hey, whatever you guys are doing, count me in!" Julian handed Wisteria his slimeball, so she walked over to a crafting table, and began creating the block. In the background she could hear Julian and Skorm.
"You guys been working together long? You've got good chemistry."
"You jealous?"
"No, I'm just saying that it's nice to have a team who works so well together"
"You're totally jealous!"
"Tadaa, one slimeblock!" Wisteria exclaimed
"I'l take that..."Lib took it off the workbench, "right... Here!" She placed it about four or so blocks from the chicken-torture-mechanism.
"Hey guys, gimme a boost?" Skorm sighed, and he and Libertyy helped Wisteria up onto the top of a stall. Wisteria then took a deep breath, prepared herself and ran to the edge of the roof, taking a leap.
"Whoa-oh!" She exclaimed, as she fell flat on the slime block, firing into the glass head first.
"Holy chickens!" Wisteria's voice was muffled by the thirty or so flustered hens. The owner of the stall wailed in panic, "my poultry! My precious poultry!"
The usher was running around like crazy, flailing his armsin all directions.
"Be careful! They'll peck out your eyes-ah" he yelled as he tripped over some chickens.
"Now's our chance!" Wolffey headed into the makn hall, closely followed by Wisteria, Skorm, Libertyy and Julian.
DeleteOml I just realised I made some really bad typos in this chapter
Delete"Makn" "armsin"
Sadly this isn't another chapter, but I think this is hilarious
"... Bucko"
Anybody who played/saw MCSM episode 8 will understand why I cried tears of laughter at this post. Alternatively you can just think of Tigger, but saying that AJHQ is president Snow's twin is a lot funnier to me :'D
(If you haven't played/seen episode 8, you are introduced to a character named Hadrian (voiced by the guy who voices Tigger), who is essentially President Snow. Throughout the episode, he constantly calls you Bucko)
P.s next part should be out next week. This story takes a while to write due to me having to watch lets plays etc to remember the plot and lines.
DeleteIs it an enderdragon? Is it a ghast? NOPE, AJSM IS BACK!
ReplyDeleteChapter 3
"Where'd he go?" Exclaimed Wolffey, looking around for Wootmoo.
"There! He must have gone through that door!" Wisteria pointed to a highly obvious door, left ajar.
"Uh, what do we do once we catch him?" Julian questioned, "there are a million ways to play this, but considering this isn't my fight, I guess I'll follow your lead..."
"We politely ask for what's ours." Wis felt like her idea was a little pathetic, but screw it. She was a kind spiceball.(lol Wisteria should call her fans spiceballs now that I think about it XD)
"Short, sweet and to the point. Not bad," Julian followed the others through the door.
"See anything?" Asked Wis, scanning the room which appeared to be some form of library.
"He must've gone out another way.." Wolffey decided.
The team fully entered the room, and began looking around. Wisteria noticed Skorm's hands twitching as he looked at all the potions.
"So, we can get some loot, right?"
Wisteria huffed, "we just need to get the skull, and get out of here,"
Skorm sighed and went off to explore the 'Potion Library', and Wis approached Wolffey, who was looking through a chest, and pulled out a gold sword
"Eh, too soft and heavy."
"But SUPER snazzy!"
"Hey Wis, you still have that one stone sword, right?"
"Nope. Had to trade it to a jerkward butcher to save SpicyPigChild's life."
Wolffey groaned, and handed her the sword.
It was then that Wis noticed that Skorm was being a complete idiot and fanboying over a fancy potion. "Flipping Skorm..." She said to herself, as she approached him.
"Hey Skorm, what the heck are you doing?"
"Wis, I know you're not gonna believe me but I swear I had a dream about this once..."
"Just leave it."
Skorm acted deaf, and pocketed the potion.
"A good thief always covers his tracks, am I right?" He replaced the fancy potion with an average potion of healing, and Wisteria facepalmed.
-o look a line break to cause suspense like some spicy action is about to commence-
"Uh, guys... Good news, I found my skull. But I think you all better see this..."
The group gathered around the mystery thingamajig.
ReplyDelete"What the heck is that?"
Wolffey pointed a finger to Julian.
"Soul sand and three wither skulls...That's the recipe for a wither."
"What the cow is a wither?" Wisteria the noob reactivated.
"One of the worst monsters there is!"
"Sure, sure, but what's that?" Libertyy nervously pointed towards a mysterious block placed in the centre of the 'T' of soul sand.
"I've never seen one of those before..." A confused Wolffey commented, and Lib began walking towards it.
"It's almost... Pulsing?"
"Don't touch that, Lib! Who knows what it could be?"
"Cool your sauce, Wis. I was just looking!" Lib backed away from the peculiar block again. Wolffey reached to take back her wither skull, when there came the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
"Everyone, hide!" Wisteria whispered, loudly. After assuring Reuben had his own hiding place, Wis hid herself, and watched as a figure entered the room. Wootmoo.
"Haha! Bet you didn't expect to see me... No, wait, that'd cliche. Thought you were rid of me, didn't you! Nope, that's awful too..." Wootmoo spoke to himself, walking backwards and forwards in the room. None of the group had the nerve to even breath, and stayed stiff in whatever position they were in. Everything was ok, until Libertyy moved her arm in the slightest, and knocked a potion off a bookshelf.
"Who goes there?" Wootmoo spun around.
Think, Wis, think. What's the smartest option?
"HEY! LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE YOU... YOU... YOU WISPARRI SHIPPER!" Wisteria threw her biggest insult at Wootmoo, making him head strait towards her. By this time, Skorm, Wolffey, Julian and Reuben had also exposed their hiding positions.
"GET OUT BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Screamed Wootmoo, like a psychopath.
"We saw your wither and your spooky button cube thing!"
Wootmoo let out a growl.
"If you lot don't shift your , I will MAKE you leave!" Wootmoo walked up to a T shaped iron structure, and placed a pumpkin on top. For a second, Wis was confused, and then she remembered what this was.
-another linebreak because tension-
The iron golem swung its arms around, almost knocking Wisteria off her feet.
"EVERYONE, GET OUT!" Wolffey yelled. Skorm, Reuben and Libertyy shot up the staircase before you could say staircase, leaving only Wisteria, Wolffey and Julian. After Wolffey managed to hit the golem in a good spot, the group managed to escape the basement. Speaking of which, where the heck did Wootmoo go?
[AN:You might have noticed something. I'm not copying all the lines from MCSM anymore. Which means this story is gonna get way more updates! *confetti explodes*]
Wisteria panted heavily, then stood up strait.
ReplyDelete"Everyone here?" Skorm asked.
"Uh, guys, where's Julian?"
"He must still be in the basement!"
"Well, we can't just leave him down there!" Wisteria decided
"And it turns out the greatest warrior in Jamcraftia (ha ha) is right in this building!" Lib pointed to Nick, who was busy answering loud, countless questions.
Wis thought for a second. 'If I was to rescue Julian, I wouldn't be a noob anymore!'
"Nope, I'm going after him myself. You can go get Nick I guess." Wisteria dashed back to the door, leaving three stumped friends (and a pig)
Wisteria entered the basement, and was clueless as to where Julian was. The iron golem wasn't, seemingly, trying to hunt him down, and was passively walking between bookshelves, with loud clunks. Wis then noticed a small movement from a double chest.
"Julian?" She whispered loudly.
"Pssst!" Julian opened the lid of the chest a crack.
"You came back for me? I appreciate that."
"Yeah, yeah." Wis was startled as the golem clanks came closer, so she dived behind one of the bookshelves. The iron golem had noticed the movement of the chest lid.
Oh crab. I guess Julian's dead... Wis breathed a sigh of relief after her worried thought, when she spotted a slowness potion. She briefly exchanged glances with Julian, before hurling the potion at the golem.
"RUN!" She yelled, incredibly loudly.
"Don't burst my eardrums!" Julian exclaimed as he and Wis exited the basement.
[AN:I'm writing another story which I'll probably put on this blog soon. It's called "How to be a hero... Or at least try" and it's a story staring my OCs on a journey through life struggles. It'll be my first serious story in a high-school setting. Talking of which, JH will get a large update soon, concluding the random journey. The main reason I'm writing HTBAH is because I'm a tad insecure at the moment, and the story is essentially all about believing in yourself. Hopefully it'll be enjoyable.
The next chapter of AJSM will be up Tuesday or Wednesday]
AN:Sorry this chapter is so late. HtbaH took over my life.
ReplyDelete"Tell me, Nick. Do you really believe ANYONE can be great?"
"With the right skills, of course!"
"That's what was wrong with me? I just wasn't skilful enough for you?" Wootmoo stared daggers at LegitNick.
"Nothing built can last forever, Nick. Let's see you try and save them from this..." Wootmoo walked over to a lever, and pulled it, revealing the T of soul sand, with the command block and two of the wither skulls atop. Wootmoo reached into his pocket and revealed the final skull. Confused murmurs and worried gasps came from the crowd as he placed the final skull. Suddenly, a blue glow came from the structure, and it began spiralling up. The wither began to pick up blocks, throwing them everywhere and hitting several civilians to the ground. In the crowd, Wis and Julian spotted the others, and headed for them. The group stood alongside LegitNick as he tried to fight the monster, but it was in vain.
"Nick can't defeat the WitherPhantom, but I can!" Woot reached in his pocket for a potion, and threw it at the 'WitherPhantom'. Nothing happened, and the WitherPhantom began to mutate. The middle of the three heads turned into what appeared to be a huge phantom. The phantoms had gone from Jamcraftia long ago, but there must have been traces in that command block, as the monster had gained the giant eye like structure and electric tentacles. Wisteria suddenly realised why the potion hadn't worked.
"Skorm! You have to throw the real potion!"
"But finders' keepers!" Skorm moaned
"SERIOUSLY?" Julian screamed.
"YOU HAVE TO THROW IT!" Lib pointed at the command block, grasped between some tentacles.
"Fine!" Skorm threw the potion, but the tentacles pulled the command block away. Potionless and failed, the group began to run.
"Everyone here?" Wolffey took headcount as they ducked underneath a canopy.
"Yup!" Wisteria checked.
"We must get to my fortress!" LegitNick pointed in a direction, and the team began to run again. Suddenly, Wisteria felt control seized from her body as a... Tractor beam? Began to pull her towards the giant Phantom, which was growing bigger by the second as it seemingly sucked blocks, and citizens, into itself. Wisteria thought she was about to die, but breathed a sigh of relief as Nick pulled her out of the beam.
"Phew, thanks! That move was pretty rad!" Nick rolled his eyes, and the team continued to run.
After dodging many tentacles and beams, they arrived at the fortress. Nick flicked a few switches, revealing an entrance.
"The inner chamber is made entirely of obsidian, you should be safe in there!" Nick called out as he fought off a sticky tentacle.
"Uh, guys..." Skorm stepped through the portal, without going anywhere.
"You dumbo! It's not lit!" Lib pointed at the missing glow.
"Thank goodness for this trinket!" Wis pulled out the flint and steel, and lit the portal. Lib, Skorm and Reuben headed through first, leaving Wis, Nick, Wolffey and Julian on the other side with a heck of a lotta tentacles and beams. Wis even had to pull Nick out of a beam, before he handed her an artefact.
"Take this... And head to the temple. You must reassemble the order. Twinkle's been missing for years... But the others..."
"How will I find Sina and Bepper?"
"The amulet will guide you."
Wis took the amulet, and ran up to the portal, where Julian was standing and performing an upside down sloth face.
[Upside down sloth face:Noun:An expression similar to the sloth's smile in zootropolis, but upside down. An exaggerated shocked face. A bit like :OOOOO]
"Wolffey, come on!"
"I'm sorry Wis, but I need to help Nick help these people."
"I can't let you do that!"
"I have to-WHOA!" Wolffey screamed as a tractor beam grabbed her. Nick ran to help, but a beam grabbed him also.
ReplyDelete"Julian?" Wis exclaimed, but he still stood there gawping and being a pretty useless bean. Wisteria sighed, and managed to fight her way through several tentacles, before being faced with... A CHOICE??? (Ok Kraft calm down)
:Save LegitNick:
:Save Wolffey:
:Save Wolffey:
Wisteria made a dash for her friend, and pulled her out of the beam.
"I'll meet you guys on the other side, just get through the-" Wolffey was cut off, as a huge, sticky tentacle flew at Wisteria, knocking her and Julian into the portal, and leaving Wolffey with the WitherPhantom that had just devoured LegitNick.
Chapter 4
[AN:I just realised how fadoodling long these chapters are XDD]
"Where's Wolffey?" Skorm looked at Julian and Wisteria confused.
"Julian froze." Wisteria then covered her mouth after realising what she said. Julian began to back away from Skorm, who looked like he wanted to punch the heck out of him.
"I got scared. Just for a second. I-"
"You got scared?"
Lib sighed, "Skorm, cut it out!"
"It wasn't my fault!"
"You got scared and it's not your fault?"
"Skorm!" Libertyy managed to stop Skorm from pushing Julian into the lava.
"I just hope Wolffey makes it through soon." Wis shuddered at the thought of losing Wolffey, like how Nick had been sucked strait into the monster.
"She's gonna come through any second now..." Skorm tried to be optimistic, watching the portal hopefully. The spirals on the portal began to twist faster, and an eerie noise came out.
"Look! There she is!" Julian pointed towards the spirals. Everybody's faces lot up, when out came... Wootmoo.
And he wasn't alone, for a tentacle shot into the portal, heading strait for Wisteria and Reuben. Just as they managed to dodge it, the tentacle wrapped itself around the entire structure and gave it a hard pull. This force collapsed the portal, destroying it, as well as any hope of seeing Wolffey again. Wisteria glared at Wootmoo.
"Did you see Wolffey?"
"The girl? Yes I saw her as I headed to the portal. She was running in the opposite direction. Such bravery. But of course, there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity."
Wisteria growled, "you're a coward!"
"Maybe! But I survived, and that's what counts."
"There's more to life then survival! Without rad spicy pigs like Reuben, I-"
"Without survival, there is no life."
Wootmoo continued on, "Through that tunnel is a network of mine carts, built by the Order of the Stone. It's your only way out."
The four jammers, and Reuben, looked hard at Wootmoo.
"Time's wasting, let's go!" Julian began to walk towards the minecarts, when an eerie noise filled the air.
"What the heck was that?" Wis nervously looked.
"I'd wish you good luck but luck won't carry you through the nether. You have... My sympathies."
Wootmoo drank a potion, and completely disappeared from view.
[AN:Any MCSM fans will know that yesterday was it's first anniversary. They grow up so fast :')
ReplyDeleteHopefully Telltale makes a second season in a year or so. I need more storymode x.x]
It was then that a fireball flew at the group, just missing Julian.
"HECK LET'S GO!" Wisteria screamed, and everyone jumped into a minecart each.
"Hang on Reuben!" Wisteria called to her pig as the carts started up.
After defeating several ghasts and nearly plummeting to their death in lava, the group arrived at what appeared to be the portal out of the nether.
"How does Wolffey come down here all the time? This place is terrible!" Julian exclaimed, looking around nervously. Libertyy got out of her minecart stumbling
"Can you throw up, like inside your body?" She questioned Skorm
"Yes. I know cause I just did it like a dozen times!" Skorm held his paw up to his face and made a gross vomiting sound.
"So, here's the portal back out!" Wis stood in front of it.
"You don't know what's going to be on the other side!" Julian looked at the portal nervously. Skorm groaned and mumbled something along the line of coward.
"Hey, Wis, step aside! I'm going first!" Skorm stepped in front of Wis, and then glared at Julian to make a point that was trying to say "See? I'm brave. You should man up"
"Look! I'm going in!" He made a clear statement. He looked at the portal and took deep breaths. Reuben looked at Wisteria as if to say, "This is pretty cringe"
Wisteria huffed, "Look, Skorm, I'll go."
"No!" Skorm lightly growled, and walked through the portal. Wisteria and the others followed.
It was night outside, and Skorm was standing proudly over a zombie corpse.
"This zombie attacked me! But I showed him who's boss!" Libertyy deadpanned at Skorm, as if to say "oh my Notch, shut up!" Julian groaned at Skorm, for he knew full well why he was showing off.
"So, I think we should bed down for-" Julian began, before he was quite rudely interrupted by the blue arctic wolf.
"So, we should start looking for the temple..."
Wisteria glared at Skorm disappointedly, "just let him speak!"
"Standing up for the enemy now, Wis?"
Wisteria facepalmed.
"What I was saying..." Julian continued, "Is that we should bed down for the night, and in the morning start looking for the temple."
"What if that monster catches up!" Skorm growled, "we need to get to that temple!"
Libertyy groaned, "let's. Just. Build. A. Shelter."
Skorm couldn't be bothered to argue any further then that.
Chapter 5
ReplyDelete"So, what kind of thing should we go for?" Libertyy questioned Wis.
"Well, I think a treehouse will do just the trick."
"Let's get too it then!" You could practically see Julian's hooves twitching in desperation to start building.
It wasn't the most beautiful thing, but at least it was safe. Libertyy couldn't help but notice Skorm stifling a growl as Wisteria complimented Julian's building skills. Reuben said nothing.
The group was now huddled around a firepit, Julian sitting uncomfortably alone in the corner to keep a safe distance from Skorm. The silence was deafening, but it was broken as Skorm stood up.
"Guys, you better promise not to freak out... I have cookies." He revealed a bag of cookies from his pocket.
"One for Wisteria, one for Libertyy, one for me, and one for... Reuben." He handed the pig a cookie, "sorry Julian, I've only got four."
"Nah, It's ok... I'm fine.." Julian sighed and clutched his stomach, as if to say "aren't you a giving bean. You give a pig a cookie over me. Now pay the price by feeling sorry for me"
Wisteria sighed, and walked over to Julian.
"No... I can't..."
"Nope. Take it. As a sign of..." Wisteria stuttered as she tried to think up the right word, "friendship."
"Well, thanks!" Julian accepted the cookie.
"That was for you, Wis, not him!"
"Skorm, stop being so dramatic." Wisteria groaned as she sat back down. The group was silent again, until Libertyy broke the silence.
"So, if you had to, which would you rather fight-A hundred chicken sized zombies, or ten zombie sized chickens?"
Julian was about to answer, until Skorm growled.
"How can you guys joke at a time like this? Wolffey is still out there!"
"We can't just sit around and mope. Wolffey would want us to be joking!" Wisteria argued.
"No, we should be moping. That's exactly what we should be doing."
Julian changed the subject, "Look, we should get some rest. We've got a busy day tomorrow. My guess is, if we kinda split up and-"
"Whoa! What do you think you're doing?" Skorm growled. He stood up, and made his way over to the horse, whom was now also on his feet.
"Did I do something to you? You seem like you're getting on my case for absolutely no reason."
"Skorm, he's just trying to help..." Wisteria wasn't happy with the amount of tension currently between the two.
"I'm sorry Wis, but I'm not gonna just sit here and listen to this guy tell us what to do!" Skorm squared up Julian.
ReplyDelete"I'm just trying to prepare us for tomorrow!" Julian defended himself. Wisteria noted that Skorm looked as if he could literally throw the horse off the building in unnecessary fury.
"You're the only one wearing that stupid jacket. Don't tell us what to do."
Julian was clearly incredibly offended by this.
"Take that back."
"Can't. Wouldn't."
"I got this jacket because I know how to build. That doesn't mean I don't know how to break things."
[How can I say Julian was clenching his fists when he doesn't have fists? He has hooves. Wait, how does he hold a sword? Holy crab, I don't know!]
"Your pathetic threats don't scare me now we know how you really are. Wolffeycat might be dead because of you!"
He was referring to how Julian froze when Wolffey and LegitNick were trapped in the beams.
"You're taking this too far, Skorm." Wisteria stepped between the two boys as they launched words at each other.
"Look, I don't have to take this. Why don't I just leave and let you guys hash this out?" Julian began to walk to the treehouse exit.
"But it's dangerous out there! You could get yourself killed!" Libertyy tried to block the way out from Julian.
"Let him leave if he wants to leave. He's caused enough problems already."
Something about Skorm's words infuriated Wisteria.
"Hey, we're all on the same team now! He'a staying! Whether you like it or not." Wisteria gave Skorm a death glare.
"Don't be like that, Wis!"
"Be like what? Be like "maybe we shouldn't let Julian go get himself eaten or blown up or thrown off a cliff"? Man up, dude."
Wisteria's growl settled the silence, and the group sat down again.
"Thank's for keeping me around, Wis." Julian mumbled as he lay down.
"No problemo."
"And I'd fight the zombie sized chickens."
"Why's that?"
"Because they wouldn't try to eat me."
"But aren't you a bean?" Libertyy joked.
It was morning, and Wisteria and the others were out of the treehouse, and ready to look for the temple, wherever the heck it was. Skorm was striding ahead with Libertyy, and Wisteria was following closely behind with Reuben and a very embarrassed Julian.
"Wis, I'm pretty sorry for how I acted last night. I was really tired, and hate to admit it, kind of worried about the other Ocelots."
"Hey, that was Skorm being a defensive jerk, not you. And no offence but I hope that PhantomStorm ate those idiots. Especially Aparri. That creepy guy has been stalking me since preschool, bleh."
Julian looked nervously at Wisteria.
"Oh... Kay... Then... Cool beans?"
"Snazzy rad beans."
Julian began to wonder whether Wis was right in the head. And also whether Aparri actually was stalking her in which case yikes...
i comment way too much
ReplyDeletegood story
better than mine at least
The more comments, the better.
DeleteThank you :D
I really enjoy the Jamaa games, keep it up :)
He then began to pace ahead of Wis, and ahead of the rest of the group, before dashing up a small hill and pointing excitedly. Skorm continued rambling to Libertyy about how they'd probably never find this temple and that Wolffey and Nick were probably dead and that Julian was a waste of space. Libertyy groaned.
ReplyDeleteWisteria then pointed to a grey thing.
"Look at that rad building!"
"What is it?" Skorm moaned.
"That's gotta be the temple!" Julian pointed to the symbol on the front of the building.
"Is it really?" Skorm went on.
"Yeah! Look!" Wisteria held the amulet up to the symbol, and sure enough they looked exactly the same.
"Well, come on then!" Skorm seemed as if he was a miserable kiddo and now had a mountain of candy.
"Careful, Reuben!" Wisteria helped the piglet down the side of the cliff.
The building was dark, lit with only a few torches. The eerie mood created a grim silence in the group, only broke by Reuben's constant oinking.
"Have you ever wondered why dispensers are carved to look like weird faces?" Skorm pointed to some dispensers in the walls.
"Funny fact, I haven't!" Julian groaned and rolled his eyes at him.
"What do you dispense, little guy?" Skorm asked the inanimate object.
Wisteria facepalmed.
"I'm not too sure we want to find out..." Libertyy muttered, thinking of arrows and potions and shuddering.
A sudden noise made the group jump, but Reuben squealed loudly snd ran forwards, right into some pressure plates. He was chased after, but a few steps past the pressure plate and arrows were firing in all directions.
"THINGS ARE GETTING HEATED!" Wisteria screamed as she dodged the arrows rather proly.
"Heated is an interesting concept." Julian mumbled as they arrived on the other side, only to see yet more arrows.
"O crabs"
ReplyDeleteAt least there was a crafting table.
Chapter 6
After assembling a bow and arrow, defeating the pressure plates and now away from things that might kill her, Wisteria let out a cheer.
"OH YES! Check out my rad arrow moves!"
Nobody responded and were mesmerised by a heck of a lot of books.
"This place looks ancient!" Julian made his way through some cobwebs and winced, "... And revolting."
"Spiders give me the heebie-jeebies." Wisteria looked up at the cobwebs.
"But look at all the books!" Julian began looking through the books and making an inhuman fanboying noise at the amount of knowledge.
"Hey, look over there!" Wisteria pointed to a book on a pedestal, an enchantment table. Skorm was looking around at all the books nervously and Julian was being a nerd, them both ignoring her. Libertyy was probably also nerding out. Wisteria began to read the book.
"... These five Jamaasians would come together and become five heroes. They would slay a dragon..." Wisteria read.
That's LegitNick, Sina, Bepper, Twinkle...
"Wootmoo was a member of the order of the stone?" Libertyy explained from behind Wisteria.
"This explains everything..." Wisteria looked again at the pages.
"Yeah, it definitely explains why Wootmoo had such a grudge against Nick at Jamcon." Julian thought aloud.
"Well, theorising isn't going to stop the monster! We need to keep exploring this place." Skorm raised an argument.
"Well, kay... Hey, wonder where those stairs go?" Libertyy pointed to a staircase.
"They go up. Duh." Wisteria tried to be funny.
"Well, only one way to find out!" Julian began climbing the stairs, followed by the rest of the group.
At the top, was an open roof area. There were several levers, a giant map, seats... And a bunch of junk that wasn't incredibly helpful.
"WELL AIN'T THIS HANDY! WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?" Julian, Skorm and Libertyy covered their ears as Wisteria screamed. Reuben tried to cover his ears but he couldn't really. Because he's a pig.
"I don't know, pull some levers or something." Skorm huffed and continued to be highly unproductive.
After three hours of levers, yelling and bleeding eardrums, a beam of light shot through the amulet
[i know i suck at describing all this. Just go watch someones let's play or something if you've no clue what is happening..]
The beam split into two, magenta and navy blue, each beam landing on an area on the map.
"I guess magenta is Bepper, and navy is Sina.."
[just so you know, this is Sina32, not the other Sina.]
"Well, that makes it a matter of who to get first!" Wisteria's eyes darted between the spots on the map.
"Someone should stay behind and put up defences. In case that WitherPhantom gets too close for comfort.." Julian then looked at Skorm.
"Why are you looking at me?"
"I don't know!"
"Well, I'm not staying, if that's what you're wanting."
"Nope. I'll stay."
"Good. And Libertyy can stay too whilst me and Wisteria go find Sina!"
"Yeah, nope," Libertyy argued, "you can stay with him as me and Wis go find Bepper!"
Wisteria thought for a minute. She honestly would rather go with Libertyy, but then again she didn't want to risk Skorm kicking Julian off the side of the building.
"Fine, Skorm, we're going to get Sina! You two can try working on defences."
"Thank Mira. No offence Skorm, but I'd rather be stuck with Libertyy instead of you."
Skorm glared at Julian.
"SEE YA'LL!" Wisteria yelled, as she and Skorm left the temple.
I really like this so far!